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My Favorite FREE Online Workouts

Confession: I do some of these while I'm still in my PJs!

For a quickie

8 Minute Abs - My parents had a VHS of this so I’m not sure if it’s the nostalgia or that the host is a beefy guy in spandex ::smirk::

HIIT - I don’t have a particular fave with this style workout but I like that it’s short and gets my heart rate up

When I wanna let loose and dance

The Fitness Marshall - I secretly want to be a hip hop dancer and being encouraged to let out my inner Britney is just what I need sometimes.

**Fangirl Moment** I got to meet The Fitness Marshall!!

To work on my dancer form

New York City Ballet Workout - Another oldie but goodie! This series is beautifully done where I almost feel like I’m in practice with them!

Dansique Fitness - I just found her recently and I love her Pilates/Ballet based workouts! I appreciate former dancers who understand the need to maintain form while working out.

When I wanna take it easy

Yoga with Adriene - She supports me with yoga for ANYTHING I’m feeling. Back pain, stressed, gut health… you name it - she has a video for it. PLUS she has a cute doggie that’s resting right beside her in her videos - bonus!!

Now You.

What workouts do you like to do at home?


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